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"Fine like Wine"
Melissa n' Cameron
wedding in Jordan station, Ontario, Canada
(August 2017)
I cannot say enough good things about this wedding. It was the most fun I have ever had at a wedding, and this couple was absolutely silly just being themselves. It's no wonder this film is a fan favourite. The day consisted of no stop laughing and joking around with the groom, bride and the photographer. I kept telling the photographer that I knew the pink clouds were coming at Sunset as we planned to do a Sunset shoot. He did not believe me and jokingly thought I was being silly. When the clouds came on man were they awesome, made for a very rare and beautiful candid moment between this insanely genuine couple. I was seated at the wedding with the bridesmaids husband which were some of the most ridiculous people I have met. At the end when I was leaving I was personally met by the Bride and Groom with hugs and genuine thankfulness and laughter. After this the rarest thing happened which was the bridesmaids husbands came and said goodbye too, I think this is the first time guests had said goodbye to me, as I am a worker I don't expect it. Still to this day remains my top 5 of weddings, happened to be on a gorgeous vineyard which is an amazing setting to setup a beautiful day. I am forever grateful to Melissa and Cameron for inviting me to spend this day with them. I wish them the best in their life together now but I honestly can't see them having any relationship struggles.
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